introducing emma bica

emma bica introducing emma bica

welcome! i've been staring at the dreaded blinking cursor for weeks now; trying to formulate my thoughts, feelings and emotions into words. it would obviously have to be perfect and nothing less than. until i remembered why i started this in the first place. and i started to listen to my intuition and following my heart. so here we are, my first post, all i ask is for a little grace as i immerse myself back into this world that i took a break from for quite some time. and if you give me grace, i'll give myself grace and we can begin the workings of a beautiful friendship.

i'm in a bit of awe that this place is no longer only located in my head. i can't wait to get to know you all, so first i will share a little bit about me. i'm emma bica formerly known as emma dahl; nine months ago today (june 12th) my husband [brandon] and i got married surrounded by all of our favorite people in the world and it was the most perfect day ever (i still can't get over it, brandon says i need to move on... silly boy. so not happening anytime soon). we live in a cute little home in minneapolis, mn with our extra spoiled dog, starksthepup, who is the reason we work hard so we can support the life he's grown accustomed to. i'm a minnesota girl, born and raised in a smallish town in southern mn where my parents still live in the house where i grew up and it will always feel like home. my family is my world. 

i could live in yoga pants [i have 2 categories of them; the only at home and the "nice" ones that i wear out of the house], minnesota tee shirts and my toms. few things make me feel as boss as a fresh manicure. there are no foundation colors lighter than the one i use. i avoid using capital letters whenever possible because that is how much of a rebel i am. i am fueled by coffee, peanut butter and wine.

most days you can find me quietly starting my day (because mornings are not for talking) with the biggest cup of coffee on the block, having random dance parties and enjoying 90's playlists in my cube at work, organizing anything i can, obsessively trying to not obsessively worry about everything and loving on my pup. i'm mostly known as being a sassy gal who is fiercely passionate about radical authenticity and has no directional sense or cooking skills. I have seen the entire series of prison break and gilmore girls a hundred times and I'm still not over the fact that parenthood is done. 

i aim to serve the world by sharing my story and creating a space where others feel safe enough to allow themselves to tap into their own vulnerability. that by sharing our story in a radically authentic way we start conversations that begin to take away the shame and guilt that we place upon ourselves. i believe that my struggles give me strength to be a light for others and i am passionate about building a tribe of women sharing their authentic selves in a very filtered world. i strive to break the silence on the stigma around mental health and talk about the things that aren't always comfortable. i believe that even if we can make it through this life on our own, doesn't mean we should and that what the universe needs from you is to fully show up as your true self.

i want to hear from YOU! what are you fueled by? what does your everyday look like? what are you so passionate about that it lights your soul on fire? are you ready to embrace your authentic self?

be sure and follow me on instagram to keep up with what's new and say hi! @emma.bica

