my story

2020: lost and found

2020: lost and found

today is the final day of 2020. it’s been… a year. a year that needs no introduction. a year that’s become the punchline of jokes and the reason why many things didn’t work out the way people had in mind. it gets a pretty bad rap, and while it’s certainly not my favorite year ever, it hasn’t been a complete waste. i’m not looking to minimize or discount some of the truly awful things that have happened this year, but i’m closing it out with some reflections and gratitude for the ways in which there was still good to be found.

introducing emma bica

introducing emma bica

welcome! i've been staring at the dreaded blinking cursor for weeks now; trying to formulate my thoughts, feelings and emotions into words. it would obviously have to be perfect and nothing less than. until i remembered why i started this in the first place. and i started to listen to my intuition and following my heart. so here we are, my first post, all i ask is for a little grace as i immerse myself back into this world that i took a break from for quite some time. and if you give me grace, i'll give myself grace and we can begin the workings of a beautiful friendship.