the mom i am today

the mom i am today

acknowledging that the mom we are right now may not be the mom we were last month or last week nor are we the mom we will be in the coming days, weeks and months. but the mom we are right now is very real - no matter how long or short this "stage" may last.

welcome baby boy bica

welcome baby boy bica

most notably i grew and birthed a human who is now 11 weeks old. his name is connor joseph bica (to be known henceforth on this blog as yogi) and he's pretty much the cutest baby in the world. but this post isn't really about him. he will be the star of many (or few based on my current track record) posts to come; but this is my story, a (mostly) unfiltered birth story, about how he entered the world.

there is no shame in taking medication

there is no shame in taking medication

our lives are made up of chapters, sections, tales and passages that when pieced together write the story that is uniquely our own. some chapters end, and we gladly close them up and turn the page. others become such a part of our story that they are woven into every sentence and paragraph that follows. it shifts our story; even in the slightest of ways. one thing is certain, we are never the same as before that chapter unfolded. 

in a word: embrace

in a word: embrace

it took me a couple weeks into the new year to settle on a word. my mind likes to tell me there is only one right choice/response/answer/decision. the prospect of picking the wrong one is enough to paralyze me. stop me in my tracks. it invites anxiousness into the party and now it feels all consuming. it can happen to any and all choices, no matter their significance. 

introducing emma bica

introducing emma bica

welcome! i've been staring at the dreaded blinking cursor for weeks now; trying to formulate my thoughts, feelings and emotions into words. it would obviously have to be perfect and nothing less than. until i remembered why i started this in the first place. and i started to listen to my intuition and following my heart. so here we are, my first post, all i ask is for a little grace as i immerse myself back into this world that i took a break from for quite some time. and if you give me grace, i'll give myself grace and we can begin the workings of a beautiful friendship.